Jaw-Dropping Lunar Eclipse Over Tajikistan - Tajikistan, a place I have never even flown over. Never even gotten close to. But apparently its a great spot for getting amazing lunar eclipses. Yeah, you heard me right, that is a Lunar... yes, I said Lunar, eclipse. The full moon is so bright in this footage it looks like its actually the sun - a solar eclipse. But no, its the moon.
Christopher Nolan Interstellar Movie Theories - join us as we discuss some theories about what Interstellar will be all about. We will discuss everything from life rafts, time travel and wormhole decoherence craziness. Bring your theories to the table too!
Arrows Science!
Over Under Toilet Paper Discussion - And yes. I also am an avowed overrer too. And I too am going to begin folding my toilet paper extras in a v-shaped fashion just to give that high class, "just been cleaned" feeling. To all you underrers... the facts are all here for you to make the right choice. All you need to do is admit you need help, and we overrers will be here to help in a heartbeat.
John Oliver My New Favorite Thing Ever - This is will be difficult to drive home correctly. With the right intensity and perspective. How to amp this at the right level. I need a volume 11 for this post. WHICH I GUESS I COULD DO IN ALL CAPS. But I don't know if even that will drive the correct insight to what I am wanting to say here. So, with that in mind. I'm going to say it slowly. And precisely. John Oliver. Is my new. Favorite thing. Ever.
Doodling is a Morning Shower Equivalent - A week or two ago I spent tons of hours in phone interviews and while deep in conversation I found myself doodling. And yet, hiring employees is THE MOST important thing I do at work. Literally nothing that I do is more important. Its just the most synergistically enabling thing possible right? But if I hire the wrong person - it could be the entropy enabling thing that I could do, right?
Your Life in Weeks - So a month or so ago I tripped across a fantastic post over at waitbutwhy, about an exercise that I really liked. Here's the quick and dirty explanation. Create a drawing with a box on it. That box represents a week. Now, multiply that box 52 weeks for all the weeks in a year. After you have done that, duplicate the row of 52 boxes 90 times and now you have a long life detailed in weeks. Over at Waitbutwhy they then began playing with the blocks in different ways and showing various types of data. My favorite view was their view of a life in averages.
What Would You Levitate If You Could? This so isn't a theoretical question. What would you levitate if you could? By the way, you can only levitate 20 pounds. Still, that would be an amazingly cool super power. You wouldn't have the chops to take on Superman or anything, but you'd be the toast of the yearly neighborhood party all the same. I mean, LEVITATION! That is awesome. Regardless, here is a literal product to let you do exactly that... levitate a full twenty pounds of anything. Epic cool.
Super Slow Motion Lightning Hotness - This is fascinating. I could watch this video for hours. I'm actually stuck in a loop as the lightning tip toes across my screen! hahah. Alright. I'm done here. You can continue about your day.
Alternate Gravity Ending Goodness - You are all summarily fired as my friends. All of you - the whole of the interwebs. Why am I only finding out about this awesome alternate gravity ending goodness now? I mean, really? You all had so many opportunities to share with me before now, but NOOOOO. I see how it is. Thanks a lot. And so, duh, yer fired.
Prospect a Gorgeous SXSW SciFi 13 Minute Short Is it possible to create a sci-fi bildungsroman in no more than...
Just a pile of awesome TED Talks - If you don't know TED, it is a conference of inspiring talks that are in the 10 to 20 minute range that will inspire you and change your life.
“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, ‘Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?'” Job...
Aurora Australis The Greatest Light Show Canvas Ever I think the word Marvelous was made for this shot. And...
Thomas Kincade and Star Wars Equals Magic