Things Heard and Seen Movie Explanation - join me & dig through the movie and the book and try to make sense of this all-over-the-place movie
Interview with Home With a View of a Monster, Todd Greenlee, and Jasper Hammer. The other day I did a...
The Machinist: Plot Analysis And Ending Explained - or how excited I am to have Barry from ThisisBarry bring this one to you guys!
It’s fascinating when you go into a movie thinking one thing, and you come out with something completely different. That’s...
One of the things that I talk about most here on the blog is how much I disdain it when...
Flatliners a Cautionary Tale Regarding Sequels and Reboots - or how to spend a Friday evening if you want to watch a ruined version of your childhood favorite movie. And that? That is putting it lightly.
A Simple System For making 5 to 10% a week in two easy steps. Will this work for you? Obviously I have no idea. But is it a con? No. And does it stand a chance to double your money fast. Yes. Yes it does.
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I'm a huge map lover. Maps are pieces of art in my mind. Each one gorgeously and lovingly created and reproduced. Some are obviously more artistic than others.
Like a ship plowing through cosmic seas, runaway star Zeta Ophiuchi produces the arcing interstellar bow wave or bow shock seen in this stunning infrared portrait.
Wild Animals Roaming Wild There is a Vice article running right now talking about flooding in Tbilisi which has caused...
Watch All Six Star Wars Movies Simultaneously I think I’ve told this story before, but its never been more appropriate...
Off the Hook McLaren 570s Ad
We’re three friends (Harry, Niamh and Terence) who have set ourselves a pretty unusual challenge: to see if we can find our Twin Stranger or lookalike from anywhere in the world.
Creep by Radiohead is my favorite single song ever. No contest. Nothing comes close. That’s hard to do. Do you...