The OA Season 1 Theories and Details Explained - wherein I finally recap the theories that sum up and coalesce the entire season into a logical Antipodal Dialectic. (No really, I say that. How can you not read it?)
Thoughts on the Death of a Princess - and rememberances of her effect on a young boy
Nocturnal Animals Completely Explained and Dissected - or how we can learn a decidedly good message from this decidedly dark film.
Alien: Covenant Trailer - and why I am so excited to be scared out my mind by this series all over again.
The OA Episode 8 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 7 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 6 Theories and Explanations - wherein I discuss purple goo, cops with guns, mentors and inter-dimensional time travel and the like all in the service of trying to understand episode 6 of The OA
The OA Episode 5 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
Find My Phone Fantastic Short Film - or how I realized everyone has troubles and everyone has pains even thieves.
The OA Episode 4 Theories and Explanations - wherein I have a hard time keeping my jaw off the floor as I watch yet another amazing episode of this fantastic new Netflix show.
The OA Episode 3 Theories and Explanations - wherein I fall in love with yet another television show after vowing my disdain for the medium.
The OA Episode 2 Theories and Explanations - wherein I fall in love with yet another television show after vowing my disdain for the medium.
The OA Episode 1 Theories and Explanations - wherein I fall in love with yet another television show after vowing my disdain for the medium.
Wherein I say so long to the lovely Zsa Zsa.
Star Wars Rogue One Review Before and After - wherein I tell you what I hope for out of Rogue One, and then come back after the fact and compare my expectations with reality... Ok, so it isn't the most original post idea ever... granted.