Which really shouldn't be much of a shocker to anyone seeing as though Serial is the single most downloaded podcast in the technology's history.
A Modern Message In a Bottle Would You Open It? So I recently decided to conduct my own modern message in a bottle experiment. I was listening to Radiolab and I was thinking about just what makes a thing great. You know. What makes someone continue listening when they wouldn't have normally? What do we find entertaining? And not only what but why? And I realized that it's the audacity of a thing. The curiosity to learn what will happen next. Right?
Man. This is just going to be a public service announcement for all of you out there that have somehow left your brain behind, and have come completely irrational when it comes to Ebola. Today I am getting on a plane, and will be heading to eastern Africa in order to train people in three different countries about an iPhone app my team developed. But this Africa trip just keeps coming up, not because I'm bringing it up... but people are now required to ask about it.
I have thought for years that I would love to capture people driving home from work sitting at the wheel of their car stopped at a red light. You see all kinds right? People are wiped out. They are brain dead. Their bodies have memorized the way home and they have checked out for the duration. It's almost a metaphor for the way we stupor our way through our lives.
"Are you listening to Serial yet? You have to start listening to Serial. Please. It’s a podcast from the makers of This American Life, it’s been going since October, there are seven episodes to catch up on (start from the beginning, listen in order) and… I’m obsessed. I need you all to start listening so that we can form some kind of Serial support group."
“The misconception of totalitarianism is that freedom can be imprisoned. This is not the case. When you constrain freedom, freedom will take flight and land on a windowsill.”
Salt Scape Installation by Motoi Yamamoto
So we just learned the new title for our favorite space opera saga, and it is The Force Awakens. I am somewhat ambivalent about the title, but I also know quite a lot about the plot of the movie so far. And knowing what I know, it makes sense. But that doesn't mean it's any good. I think I will ultimately have to see the movie before I pass judgement. Cut that didn't keep Twitter from going completely and stark raving over the new title.
There are only a few games out there the get your pulse pumping like the Call of Duty (COD) series. We've all played the heck out of Destiny, and sure, we'll keep going back to that well when we get bored elsewhere. But now we have a few COD Advanced Warfare thoughts for you all. But first, to really understand just how exciting Advanced Warfare is, you need to understand just how terribly disappointing COD Ghosts was on the new modern console.
I love little animation vignettes like this one. Just beautifully rendered and hopelessly cute. Makes me want to take animation back up as a pursuit. Regardless. Enjoy. And make sure you try to save a village or two today regardless of whether they are appreciative or not.
Woah. Ok, so I've been aiming really really low with my bucket list items these days apparently. A trip around the world (which I will be doing again in a week)? Bah. How week is that? Reading War and Peace?!? HAHAHa. Rediculous. That is nothing in comparison to this particular Bucket List item. So, on September 9, 2014, almost two dozen people came together and decided to do a little extreme hammocking in the Dolomites of northeastern Italy.
What a Terrible Trip - Today I'm heading to Peru. So not a lot of time for a post. But I saw this and I couldn't resist posting it. Does it mean I'm evil because I think this is downright hysterical?
The Tipping Point of Human CGI - In Australia there is a Computer Graphics Artist named Chris Jones. He's only recently come to my attention. But he is obviously a force to be reckoned with. Humans are hard to nail. Our eyes register things, and our brain senses human realism that is truly difficult to duplicate. Think back through some of the previous attempts and how we just don't take them seriously.
Tuck Me In Halloween Magic - I recently did a review of a couple movies that blew my mind. Coherence being one. And The One I Love, being the other. They remind me of this little snippet of a vignette of an idea. Apparently the idea originally came from a micro-short-story idea competition on Reddit written by Juan J. Ruiz, aka justAnotherMuffledVo.
Ambition Sci-Fi Magical Short - Oh my marvelous creator this video is awesome. I just can't get enough of these pixels. The special effects, the scenery, the story, the all of it!! Gah. I want there to be 100 minutes of this. Just these two characters chatting about their powers and discussing science. I want Neo to make an appearance, and I want these two sorcerers to LAUGH at his silly bullet time capabilities.