Oscars Winners and Losers Predicted 2014
iPhone Game Revival - Best 2014 - alternative games paving the way for a revival in the iPhone Game arena. Duet, Device6, Blek, Rymdkapsel, Impossible Road
The Bible Experiment Leviticus, is my attempt to read through every single book of the Bible and discuss the hard bits and the relevant bits and the confusing bits all in one go. I am being 100% honest about what I read, what I don't understand, and figuring out just how it could possibly be integral in anyone's life.
The Best Modern Melancholy Mood Movies list. From Her, to Silver Linings Playbook, to Juno, to The Chocolate War... we've listed our favorite movies in this space.
The Bible Experiment Genesis is a 66 post review of the Bible from an end to end standpoint. My goal is to review each chapter of the Bible objectively and examine the point of that book in the overall scheme of the Bible.
Map of How Much Snow it takes to close school across the nation
AMAZING ARTISTS WE LOVED IN 2013 Over the past year I have stumbled upon a number of amazing artists that...
Happy 2014 Go All The Way
Because I care so very much about my readers… or maybe because I don’t care about you at all? And...
“Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, ‘Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?'” Job...
The BBC Sherlock Mini Episode Is Up The greatest show on all of television – hyperbole is my thing, deal...
Nazi Christmas Photos - and why exactly Christ is God... and there is no question for me - these photos and our response to them make it perfectly clear why this is true.
There was this one time... right? My girlfriend and I were walking through Hyde Park in London when a very friendly squirrel came up. Me, thinking, its Hyde Park of all places. London! Figured everything here was friendly.
Jenni Baker is doing eraser poetry on every single page of Infinite Jest. Now, admittedly, I am not a poetry nut. I love me some T.S. Elliot (Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock is my Infinite Jest equivalent in the poetry world) and possibly some E.E. Cummings. Obviously I dig Shakespeare at a level that is probably just really unhealthy. But outside of that, I'm a bit at a loss when it comes to good or bad poetry. What do I know?
Books We Love decided that we would highlight some of the best books of the year and proclaim a winner for the best book of all of 2013. Tall order, but that's how we roll around here at Books We Love. So without further delay... let us commence with a review of the literary highlights of 2013: