Well, it appears that Christopher Nolan has officially been offered the Director role for the movie version of the book Ready Player One. You can read more about it on the Tracking Board if you are interested in what few details they have released. First, if you are the last person on earth to read the book Ready Player One just stop reading this post and turn around and get the book pronto.
Time Travel Short from TimTimFed - a funny, tongue in cheek time travel short that is worth every minute of the seven minutes it will cost you to watch it.
New Off the Hook Game Lumino City - Every now and again a new game comes out that is intriguing. And then there are the super rare exceptions when your jaw comes unhinged and then drops onto the floor because you are so blown away by a new concept. That is the case with the new game Lumino City
Time Travel Goes Awry in Double Trouble Kickstarter - Andreas Climent and André Hedetoft are Swedish filmmakeers that created the short film “Double Trouble” to investigate the humorous fallout of a young man who suddenly is enabled with the power of time travel. Obviously there is a girl involved. And obviously this flight of fancy was funded by a Kickstarter project.
Star Wars 7 Force Awakens Fan Art - So, the teaser trailer for The Force Awakens hit the interwebs and we were given our first quick glimpse of the future beyond the explosion of the Death Star in Return of the Jedi. If you missed it, (and that basically means you were the LAST person to catch the trailer) you can see it here:
Amsterdam is amazing. I have loved getting to know the city over the past few years. It seems like I've had several long layovers there, and vendors there to meet, as well as business partners to meet. But whatever the reason, I love strolling through the city and getting an enormous cup of pomme frites and staring at the Alice and Wonderlandian architecture. Its really quite amazing that the buildings are still standing.
So we just learned the new title for our favorite space opera saga, and it is The Force Awakens. I am somewhat ambivalent about the title, but I also know quite a lot about the plot of the movie so far. And knowing what I know, it makes sense. But that doesn't mean it's any good. I think I will ultimately have to see the movie before I pass judgement. Cut that didn't keep Twitter from going completely and stark raving over the new title.
I love little animation vignettes like this one. Just beautifully rendered and hopelessly cute. Makes me want to take animation back up as a pursuit. Regardless. Enjoy. And make sure you try to save a village or two today regardless of whether they are appreciative or not.
The Tipping Point of Human CGI - In Australia there is a Computer Graphics Artist named Chris Jones. He's only recently come to my attention. But he is obviously a force to be reckoned with. Humans are hard to nail. Our eyes register things, and our brain senses human realism that is truly difficult to duplicate. Think back through some of the previous attempts and how we just don't take them seriously.
Tuck Me In Halloween Magic - I recently did a review of a couple movies that blew my mind. Coherence being one. And The One I Love, being the other. They remind me of this little snippet of a vignette of an idea. Apparently the idea originally came from a micro-short-story idea competition on Reddit written by Juan J. Ruiz, aka justAnotherMuffledVo.
Endgame: The Calling - Three Million in Gold - I have already begun searching for some of the 75 already created websites and social media profiles that have been created for the book, the puzzles and the game. I've discovered a couple. But I'm a little confused by a lack of sharing going on on the web already. Maybe I should keep them to myself?!? hahah. I mean, we are talking about 187 pounds of gold after all. Yeah. I think I'll keep them to myself. See you in the game.
Ambilight Skiing - enough to make one salivate... if I do say so myself.
CitizenFour - Snowden Documentary - It is clear that the U.S. Government has gone too far this time. But that is just my random opinions that don't really add up to much. What I am excited about is this documentary. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Since I first mentioned John Oliver's new show a few weeks ago he has made magic happen over and over and over again. He has castigated the Miss America's pageant's claim that they are the world's largest provider of women's college scholarships. Napalmed the US's policy on drones. Investigated student debt. Begged Scotland not to leave the United Kingdom. Beseeched Peru to get on the ball wrt ISIS. But none of it was as funny or revealing as this reporting on the concept of Civil Forfeiture that was originally in a story called "Stop and Seize" reported by the Washington Post.
The One I Love Reviewed and Explained - an explanation and investigation into the movie The One I Love, because it totally needs to be investigated!