There were fireworks in her eyes. At least, that's what he thought he remembered anyway. It was the only explanation or description he could come up with now that he was unplugged. Their faces had been pressed together, the pressure intense. Eyeball to eyeball.
What the Real Apocalypse Will Look Like - Response to the Sony Hack
I've always wanted to pull together in a single blog posting many of the various theories about movies that I have created or that I adore. I've definitely done my fair share of crazy theory development. And I'll be honest with you, one of the main reasons I create some of my crazier theories is just to piece together illogical movies that are otherwise good. But a better reason for for creating theories is just because you guys eat 'em up. But I have been creating crazy ideas for movies since I can remember.
I absolute adore stop-motion. Have since I was but a wee-lad with a Super 8 camera and projector purchased just to play with the medium. Didn't really take it very far, but I very much wanted to be an in-betweener for Disney, until I realized what an awful job that would be! Not to mention that computers would one day make that particular job obsolete!
You liked the movie Alien. Of course you loved Alien. EVERYONE loved the movie Alien. Aliens another seriously awesome kick butt movie of intergalactic madness and mayhem. Sigourney Weaver was insane. Alien 3? Of course. Alien 4, filmed in England and crazy dark madness. Enter mad-house of convicts and insanity.
I have a fairly strong draw to the highly soap-operatic Downton Abbey. I love everything about it. The castles, and landscapes. The villains and the Lords. The back-stabbing and the conniving. The romances and the marriages. Maybe it just reminds me of England, and that's why I love it so? I mean, I love Sherlock as well, RIGHT? hahah. Anyway. I enjoy it regardless.
When I was wandering through Christine McConnell's photos on Flickr I was more impressed with a totally separate photoshoot that she devised. And by devised, I literally mean devised. Its clever. Its genre-jarring. Its upside down and all kinds of backwards. Its fantastic.
Let's face it. The Leia slave costume is a bit awkward. Jabba the Hutt captures THE Princess Leia and tricks her out in a bikini. He then makes her watch as he slobbers down some frog slime and various grossness. I mean, really?
I hate reading top ten lists that inevitably come at the end of the year. Every blog from here to Tajikistan and back are running them right now. Best underated and undetected video games of the year. Best books for travelers for 2014. Best paying jobs of 2014 and beyond. Greatest overlooked vacations spots. Marginally good, but not great kayak deals. The Greatest Mountain trails you missed in 2014 and haven't the endurance to get to in 2015. You get the idea.
So I caught wind that there was a new short called Everything & Everything & Everything and um... Carruth is in it. After falling on the floor, and self-administering an intracardiac injection of epinephrine... I literally emailed everyone in Hollywood associated with the movie I could get my hands on. (I seriously did. I'm sure I'm now on all of the major motion picture house's spam blockers. I kid you not.)
The game Portal is simply the best video game ever. Yeah, I know. Big words. Actually, check that. Portal 2 is the greatest video game of all time. Bar none. But without Portal 1 there is not Portal 2... so they are basically intertwined in my mind. But its funny that a game without a proper gun (a gun with bullets mind you) could be the best of anything.
Real Life Up Balloon Launch via Rockstar - Urban Legends abound about the guy who fastened a million helium balloons to a lawn chair and escaped orbit. He brought a bb gun along in order to slow his ascent and bring him back to earth safely.
Magical Jellyfish Photos From the Deep -
Wow. Merry Christmas everyone. This video quite literally blew my mind. So the next time you are stopped at a light and you are running the tape in your head that says that all homeless people spend your money on booze and drugs - remember this video.
A Truly Funny SNL Skit - I have a friend at work who has taken it upon himself to find an SNL sketch that I will laugh at. (Not laugh AT, I do that often enough, laugh with.) I just don't think they are funny.