I was pondering the recent Star Wars poster when I thought, heck... I wonder what the best movie posters are of all time. Well, now I know.
Bible Experiment Isaiah We are over half way complete with the Old Testament, (and over a third of the way...
Sicario is a downward spiral of a movie that investigates the underbelly of the US/Mexico modern drug wars... and it will leave its mark on you.
THinc. interviews the new cutting edge artist behind the #modelanimal hash tag blowing up the internet. Come learn more about this enigmatic artist!
The Tenderloin is a wasteland of moral apathy and chaos. Enter Ana, and hear her story about her youth and her eventual first steps out of the Tenderloin.
I have been thinking about this list, and searching for these movies for close to 2 or 3 years. I've interviewed directors, dug deeply into movies I'd never heard of... I worked hard to pull this list together.
Wherein I wax eloquently about urban decay, illegal entry, and oh by the way interview an amazing photographer about his work.
This video will make you ponder your place in the universe. It did that for me anyway. And I was also lucky enough to get to chat with Wylie Overstreet about it as well. If you ever wanted to see an Atheist and a Christian tear each other apart, this wouldn't be that opportunity.
The Movie Everest has really stopped me in my tracks because of the general ennui that drives us to the reality of our lives that have created the experiences of this movie.
Today I have a movie crafted and refined like a fine wine that goes down smoothly, but has a sudden kick in the gut for a finish.
Call Back and the Follower Short Films Side Films is a clever name (or not so clever) for the movie...
Fun little interview with Designer Guillaume Kurkdjian discussing his designs and illustrations. If you don't know him you have to check his work out.
Nils Vleugels' short film Rotor is a mind bending ride that really needs to be experienced. Its a fun little movie with a clever "twist".
Lara Croft Go Is Puzzle Brilliance that you definitely need to check out. I personally am loving it.
The End of the Tour Movie Review - wherein I gush & gush about this movie that I assumed I'd hate because I am a huge David Foster Wallace fan, but alas.