Gallery Animation Installation by Caleb Wood - Caleb Wood hand drew this animation frame by frame ... on a wall... at the Prøve Gallery in Duluth, Minnesota. Which is awesome on like a million fronts. The video above shows both the animation itself as well as the behind the scenes creation effort. Its a "gallery animation installation". Eh? Awesome.
Heather Hansen Emptied Gestures - Heather Hansen deftly melds dance, performance art and drawing into a single aesthetic in these moving charcoal pieces. Heather's smooth movements and tightly gripped pieces of charcoal record her performances into organic and sweeping gestures and explosions of arcs and contours.
The Signal 2014 Sundance Science Fiction Magic - Since this year's Sundance I've been hearing rumor about a movie entitled The Signal that will be the next big mind-blowing head job to pay attention to. Brought to us by William Eubank, The Signal seems simple enough at the surface.
An Open Letter To Shane Carruth - wherein a serious fan boy writes out questions for one of the world's great directors to answer if ever the bottle washes up on his shore.
Epic Time Shifting Video and Glitches
AMAZING ARTISTS WE LOVED IN 2013 Over the past year I have stumbled upon a number of amazing artists that...
Thomas Kincade and Star Wars Equals Magic
Alright, you get the idea. This wasn't a movie. It was an event. The story maybe stretched it a teensy bit in stringing one chaotic event after another but, dang. To put this in perspective... the opening shot is 13 minutes long. THIRTEEN MINUTES without a cut.
banksy 1 [bangk-see] artist, noun, plural bank·sees. 1. a street hoodlum determined to sully the cities he works in. 2....
S A New Book From JJ Abrams - a literary puzzle. In the margins is another story. And ultimately it is a confrontation between two readers.
Taylor Holmes Moleskin Sketches and scribbles... an attempt at daily sitting down to draw and do sketches that I can post here.
Update – Congratulations to Disney and their Oscar for Paperman. It definitely was well deserved! As a side note I...
These are the Best Rabbit Hutch Plans ever created by man - seriously. Just viewing this blog post will make your life, and your rabbit's, better.
Dark Knight Rises Trilogy Review discussion. Join us as we review the entire Batman trilogy from beginning to end.
A flight of whales wall paper